Create a life you can’t wait to wake up to

Create a life you can’t wait to wake up to

Samantha remarks on the most profound lesson she’s gleaned from her entrepreneurial journey, “I am right where I am supposed to be.” And to those Indigenous individuals considering entrepreneurship, she has a straightforward message: “Just start.” She emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, urging aspiring entrepreneurs to seize every available workshop opportunity, such as the JEDI entrepreneur programs.

Get up and do something

Get up and do something

John decided to participate in Pow Wow Pitch to gain awareness for his brand, join a community of like-minded Indigenous entrepreneurs, build trust in his brand, to learn and grow. “I’m building the brand with our people first, then I’ll go from there,” he stated, emphasizing the significance of community endorsement and trust in business. “That I made the news feels great as a Semi-Finalist means so much to me,” Halkett remarked, grateful for the acknowledgment of his hard work.