Do the hard things

Do the hard things

Tanya’s entrepreneurial journey is a testament to resilience. This summer, she hosted the first-ever “Honouring Anishnabe” section at Alliston Ontario’s potato festival. An event that, for the first time in 51 years, acknowledged the Indigenous community. “Being an entrepreneur has helped me give our people a voice in my small town here in Ontario,” she remarked.

Push through self-doubt

Push through self-doubt

From battling self-doubt to confronting her fear of public speaking, Shayna’s journey with Skoden Hair Ties has propelled personal and professional growth. However, her resilience has shone through each hurdle. “As an entrepreneur, it’s natural to face self-doubt and question your own worthiness. But it’s important to remember that these feelings are common and do not reflect your true abilities,” she reflects.

Give back to your community

Give back to your community

Inspiration often has roots in personal experiences, and for Kelly and Ramona, it’s no different. Kelly recalls the indomitable spirit of her grandmother, an educator who ventured back to college at sixty. “She always gave back to her community even when she didn’t have a lot to give,” Kelly reflects. This commitment to community and relentless spirit reverberates in their work ethos.

Stay true to your roots

Stay true to your roots

When it comes to inspiration, Tim fondly reminisces about his experiences with the Hon. Murray Sinclair and his grandfather, George Blondin. “Being part of his journey with the TRC, I witnessed the different ways and degrees of advocating for survivors.” His grandfather, who despite immense personal loss, continued to live with dignity, serves as another beacon of inspiration for Tim.

Be open to trying new things

Be open to trying new things

Shelly Perley’s advice to budding Indigenous entrepreneurs is both simple and profound. “Lead from your heart and make sure you enjoy what you do. There will be many roadblocks, but a drive and passion for the work will help push you through. Be yourself and open to trying new things. As long as there is passion for it, there is a will and a way.”