Ricky Dankewich and Levi Wild, win Professional Services & Trades Semi-Finals

Ricky Dankewich and Levi Wild, win Professional Services & Trades Semi-Finals

On September 11, Pow Wow Pitch, North America’s premier pitch competition for Indigenous entrepreneurs, presented in partnership with RBC, Shopify, and Mastercard, announced two winners of the Professional Services & Trades Semi-Final:

Professional Services Skilled Trades Winner: Ricky Dankewich, the Cat Lake First Nation Owner of Blackstone Concrete from Dryden, Ontario. 

Professional Services B2B Winner: Levi Wild, the Michif & Passpasschase Cree Founder of Children Of The North Project Corp. from Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton), Alberta

Ricky and Levi have each won $1,000 and are

Stay true to your roots

Stay true to your roots

When it comes to inspiration, Tim fondly reminisces about his experiences with the Hon. Murray Sinclair and his grandfather, George Blondin. “Being part of his journey with the TRC, I witnessed the different ways and degrees of advocating for survivors.” His grandfather, who despite immense personal loss, continued to live with dignity, serves as another beacon of inspiration for Tim.

If it keeps you up at night, keep at it

If it keeps you up at night, keep at it

Sharon’s entrepreneurial journey is filled with pride and challenges alike. She beams with pride, mentioning, “I am most proud of the impact this program that I created has and can have on the women I support.” However, like all entrepreneurs, she acknowledges the hurdles, stating the most challenging aspect is “getting the word out and finding the funding to enable Indigenous women to take the program.”

Ask questions

Ask questions

It’s not just business acumen that steers Clinton’s entrepreneurial ship. The grounding force? “Indigenous approaches,” he states. “Giving thanks to the Creator each day helped me change my life, direct me into helping not only my community but many.” This spiritual rootedness resonates deeply with his Indigenous heritage, infusing his business with a sense of purpose and community upliftment.

Don’t let fear hold you back

Don’t let fear hold you back

Ricky’s vision for Blackstone Concrete transcends mere profit. His ambition is rooted in his desire to give back. “I am building my business with a vision of providing employment opportunities to our at-risk Indigenous youth,” he states.