Keep pushing forward

October 13, 2023

Jodie Moonie’s Muusa: Leading the Way in Innovative Indigenous Fashion

From Timiskaming, Ontario to the dynamic landscape of the fashion industry, Jodie Moonie, the visionary founder behind Muusa, and a proud recipient of a 2023 Aritzia Fashion Grant, shares her entrepreneurial journey and how she is leaving an impact in Indigenous fashion and innovation.

Jodie’s business, Muusa, is a brand that has redefined medical scrubs, blending fashion-forward thinking with functionality. Her journey began as an endeavour to bridge the gap between basic healthcare apparel, aka ‘scrubs, and contemporary athleisure trends. This resulted in a line of scrubs that not only cater to the practical needs of healthcare professionals but also embody unique designs that celebrate culture.

The name ‘Muusa’ is a tribute to the Finnish word for “muse,” reflecting the brand’s ethos of celebrating its customers and drawing inspiration from their unique stories. Indigenous design and fashion, to Jodie, signify a celebration of Indigeneity and pride in one’s culture. Muusa embodies this spirit through its ‘Artist Edition’ collaborations, “Indigenous design and fashion to me, means celebrating Indigeneity and being proud of our culture. Our goal is to showcase the talents of Canadian Indigenous artists and turn our scrubs into works of art.”

For Jodie, fashion holds the power to transform how we feel about ourselves. Muusa’s scrubs are more than garments; they are tools of empowerment, designed to boost confidence and comfort in healthcare professionals. “I believe that what we wear has the power to transform how we feel about ourselves. When we look our best, we feel our best.”

Jodie’s ambitions for Muusa are as grand as her vision. She envisions the establishment of a warehouse on her reserve, providing employment opportunities within her community. Additionally, the acquisition of a cargo van will enable Muusa to reach a wider audience by attending trade shows and setting up pop-up shops at educational institutions across Canada.

The Aritzia Fashion Grant marks a significant moment for Muusa. It will support Muusa in enhancing its online presence and growth. Jodie intends to use the grant for vital marketing efforts and facilitating her plan to acquire a cargo van for trade shows and pop-up shops at medical colleges and universities across Canada. This Aritzia Fashion Grant demonstrates the industry’s acknowledgment of Muusa’s innovation and its fashion industry potential.

Jodie’s journey is a beacon of hope and inspiration for Indigenous youth aspiring to break into the fashion industry. Her advice is a testament to her resilience: “Always believe in yourself and keep pushing forward, no matter how challenging things may get. You can achieve anything you put your mind to.”

Muusa is a testament to the transformative power of fashion and the impact it can have on individuals and communities. With recent accomplishments and the support of the Aritzia Indigenous Fashion Grant, Jodie is poised to make a lasting mark on the industry while celebrating her Indigenous heritage and empowering those she serves. 

To watch Jodie’s winning pitch, click here. To register to watch the Pow Wow Pitch Grand Finale on October 19th at 6 PM ET, click here. To read more about the 2023 Aritzia Fashion Grant Recipients, click here. To shop Muusa, click here.