Charles Kruger, Kruger Mountain Gear, wins 2023 Kamloopa Pow Wow Pitch
The winning business, Kruger Mountain Gear, is a local outdoors brand that is making a name for itself through their unique elk call tool, patented as ‘Okanagan Elk Battle Tubes’ & ‘Arrow Lakes Elk Battle Tubes.’ As part of the pitch, Charles spoke passionately about his strides in local elk conservation as well as traditional hunting practices he uses in hunting knowledge sharing. “This Pow Wow Pitch was a super experience,” said First-Place Winner Charles Kruger, Founder of Kruger Mountain Gear. “I came back to try it again (for a second attempt) and it gave me a chance to grow and sharpen my skills and speak from my heart. Pow Wow Pitch makes people feel comfortable and welcome. It was a great experience.”
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