Ricky Dankewich and Levi Wild, win Professional Services & Trades Semi-Finals

Ricky Dankewich and Levi Wild, win Professional Services & Trades Semi-Finals

On September 11, Pow Wow Pitch, North America’s premier pitch competition for Indigenous entrepreneurs, presented in partnership with RBC, Shopify, and Mastercard, announced two winners of the Professional Services & Trades Semi-Final:

Professional Services Skilled Trades Winner: Ricky Dankewich, the Cat Lake First Nation Owner of Blackstone Concrete from Dryden, Ontario. 

Professional Services B2B Winner: Levi Wild, the Michif & Passpasschase Cree Founder of Children Of The North Project Corp. from Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton), Alberta

Ricky and Levi have each won $1,000 and are