Ricky Dankewich and Levi Wild, win Professional Services & Trades Semi-Finals

Ricky Dankewich and Levi Wild, win Professional Services & Trades Semi-Finals

On September 11, Pow Wow Pitch, North America’s premier pitch competition for Indigenous entrepreneurs, presented in partnership with RBC, Shopify, and Mastercard, announced two winners of the Professional Services & Trades Semi-Final:

Professional Services Skilled Trades Winner: Ricky Dankewich, the Cat Lake First Nation Owner of Blackstone Concrete from Dryden, Ontario. 

Professional Services B2B Winner: Levi Wild, the Michif & Passpasschase Cree Founder of Children Of The North Project Corp. from Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton), Alberta

Ricky and Levi have each won $1,000 and are

Don’t let fear hold you back

Don’t let fear hold you back

Ricky’s vision for Blackstone Concrete transcends mere profit. His ambition is rooted in his desire to give back. “I am building my business with a vision of providing employment opportunities to our at-risk Indigenous youth,” he states.